Christmas is such an exciting time of year and we love the annual preparations in school during Advent.
We would like to thank Father Finbarr for such a lovely school Mass, celebrated in the school hall on Thursday 17th. With parents, grandparents, families and friends gathered together it’s always a special occasion.
Every child had an individual role to play in the ceremony and celebrations. The Senior Class had particular responsibility to lead the congregation with readings, prayers, commentaries and music. We are amazed each year at the incredible talents of the senior pupils.
Rhian Dawkins performed the most beautiful Christmas song, for which she composed the music and wrote the lyrics herself!
Afterwards, the Junior Classroom performed a Nativity Play – with a few twists! We loved seeing some really super young talents. They captured the spirit of Christmas and a few had us in stitches too.
We hope – and know – Santa Claus will be very good to the boys and girls this year. We are always so proud of their behaviour and how they rise to the big occasions.
Here are some snaps from around the school this season. We wish all of you a very happy, holy and peaceful Christmas. Nollaig Shona dhaoibh go léir.

Mary and Joseph

Well done to all the boys and girls!