The first meeting was held in Knockavilla Church on 24th September for all parents of the children from Gurrane, Castlelack and Knockavilla schools who are making their First Holy Communion on 16th May 2015.

At this meeting Fr. Finbarr advised that he doesn’t follow the “Do this in Memory Programme”.  The children would bring gifts to the altar each Sunday.  A Committee was selected – 1 or 2 parents from each school.  Jean Humphreys is the representative from Gurrane School. This Committee would meeting a few times during the year to make arrangements for the Communion Celebration.

The First meeting was held on 8th October.  Parents from the Innishannon Communion Committee also attended so that the arrangements would be the same for all schools in the Parish.  At the meeting it was agreed that each child would be encouraged to set up an altar at home and that it would be nice to say a family prayer once a week.  Fr. Finbarr will provided suggested prayers.  Some of the items on their altars will be blessed at Mass.  Fr. Finbarr will be calling to all the schools to let the children know what would be happening.

There are 3 children from Gurrane N.S. making their First Holy Communion in May and they have already taken the gifts up twice.  Their next date is 26th October.  A rota is currently being made out up to August 2015 and this will be available after next week-end.

The Enrolment Day will be 16th November.  Suggestions for gifts for the altar were a baptismal candle or a picture of a deceased family member.